Design Systems Daily
Each day, I write daily bite-sized chunks of insight about building digital products at scale. Topics covered include user research, design systems, and team collaboration... with infrequent silliness and irreverence thrown in for good measure.
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👇 Here's what I've written so far:
Design systems work sits at the intersection of design and engineering, so DS teams typically benefit from people with some skills in both fields.
Showing off my unified design pattern to the team for feedback.
Adding variants as a way to represent state in our utility nav component.
Adding components inside components.
I don't need them, but I'm going to build them out so you can see how they can be useful in certain scenarios.
Creating a proper component
The challenge facing modern design systems work...
A few considerations when building components.
Building my first component and an auto-layout primer.
Extracting a unified standard from various patterns by ranking design characteristics on a commonality spectrum.
Prioritize patterns that are unique to your org but still used often across digital products.
Collecting an inventory of our digital products.
I’m going to walk you through the process of building a “just enough” design system.
Shifting gets toward some more practical details about design system.
Choose something small yet important that users of your design system really need right now and knock it out.
Mastering the art of giving constructive feedback to engineers.
How do you showcase design systems work and expertise?
Finding common ground in the art of naming
A useful framework for thinking about technology.
Getting everyone on the same beach.
The federal government has been partnering with state government to help improve the customer experience for digital products, focusing on sites and applications where residents apply for critical benefits, like Medicade, SNAP, WIC, etc.
Creating a catalog of reusable patterns that solve general design problems in specific contexts.
Timeless design advice from a classic book on software development.
Creating a well-documented “why we decided to prioritize this” hand-shake agreement.
Design system work often means working with multiple teams, and working with multiple teams means coming to some agreement about what to prioritize.
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